Hello there, thanks for stopping by!

My name is Kathi and I’m the founder of Watch Me See and the writer, storyteller and photographer behind this website.

I moved to Scotland in 2013 and I fell madly in love with my new home. I wish that everybody could visit this beautiful country at least once in their lifetime and that’s why I started Watch Me See in 2016.

On Watch Me See, I focus on four different areas:

♥ Practical Travel Advice for Scotland | I’ll teach you how to plan an epic trip to Scotland and answer all your practical questions regarding transport, driving, making bookings, efficient spending, understanding Scottish culture and more.

♥ Detailed Destination Guides | I’ll tell you about my favourite places to visit in Scotland, spill the beans about going off the beaten track and put together detailed travel guides for different regions around Scotland.

♥ Well-Designed Itineraries | Planning itineraries is kind of my jam! I’ll share with you my favourite routes through Scotland and tons of tips to plan your own itinerary. Or allow me to plan an itinerary for you!

♥ Hiking and Other Wild Adventures | I’ll share my passion for the outdoors through my detailed hiking guides, suggestions for other outdoor activities and personal stories from my wild adventures around Scotland.

I could not imagine my life without storytelling, photography and writing, and wherever I go, I return with a backpack full of stories. I hope you’ll enjoy them!

Meet me in this video

Video by Freja Gyldendal Amby

Here are 9 more things about me:


I was born in Vienna and have also lived in Denmark, Iceland and Germany for a while. I speak German, English, Danish and a bit of Norwegian!


Before starting Watch Me See, I contributed to and was Associate Editor in Chief of an online travel magazine by and for women. I still write stories for other magazines on occasion.


My photography skills are entirely self-taught, and I love sharing my photos and photography tips with you. If you have any questions about my equipment, let me know!


In addition to writing about Scotland, I produce the immersive travel podcast Wild for Scotland. It’s my creative writing outlet where I share immersive travel stories with soundscapes and conversations with fascinating locals from Scotland.


I love overcoming my fears and challenging myself! That’s why I solo hike long-distances, go climbing (fear of heights) and love snorkelling despite my illogical fear of the ocean!


Greenland, Finland, Alaska, Patagonia and Japan are all countries at the top of my dream trip list! I’ve been to Canada twice, but would love to go back and visit the Nova Scotia and the Yukon.


I have a PhD in Film and TV Studies from the University of Glasgow. I wrote my thesis about women’s film festivals and co-produced a feminist film festival in Glasgow called Femspectives!


I’m a feminist! Travelling and hiking as a woman, particularly solo, is a feminist act for me. If you’re not sure how these issues relate, I’d love to chat with you about it!


 Despite having studied English in school since age 10 and living in Scotland for several years, I still don’t understand every Scot I come across…